
Smart Home

   As big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies advance by leaps and bounds, smart home plays an increasingly important role in life. Smart home in the home through the Internet of things technology with the equipment (such as audio and video equipment, lighting, curtain control, air-conditioning control, security systems, digital cinema system, video server, shadow cabinet system, network appliances, etc.) together, provide home appliance control, lighting control, telephone remote control, indoor and outdoor remote control, anti-theft alarm, environmental monitoring, hvac control, infrared forward and programmable timing control and other functions and means.

   AI in smart home scene, on the one hand, will further promote the intelligent household life products, including lighting system, audio system, energy management system, security system and so on, to realize home products from perception to the cognition to the development of decision-making, on the other hand is that the establishment of the smart home system with artificial intelligence products are expected to become the core of smart home, such as robots, intelligent speakers, smart TV products, smart home system will gradually achieve household self learning and control, to provide personalized service for different users. The AI control chip developed by lesunko is a microprocessor-based on-chip integrated control system with excellent performance of high integration, high stability and high reliability.
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阜新| 车致| 县级市| 南木林县| 太康县| 建瓯市| 柘城县| 吴江市| 尉犁县| 图们市| 永吉县| 伊川县| 全椒县| 历史| 霍州市| 宁津县| 平度市| 韶山市| 嫩江县| 宕昌县| 五河县| 抚宁县| 胶州市| 田阳县| 密山市| 武鸣县| 青神县| 馆陶县| 托里县| 巴林右旗| 肇庆市| 如东县| 东兴市| 肇东市| 寻甸| 遵化市| 聂拉木县| 浦城县| 富川| 江山市| 玉树县|